Creating Local Portfolios
The following page provides general information about creating local standalone portfolios to existing titles.
To create local portfolios, you must have the following roles:
- Electronic Inventory Operator
To add a local portfolio to existing titles:
- Select the New Portfolio page (Resources > Create Inventory > Add Local Portfolio)
- In the Descriptive Information fields:
- Creation Type: Use existing type
- Recording Type: One Time
- Choose Title: Enter Title
- General Information:
- Portfolio Type: Part of an electronic collection
- In the Electronic Collection search box, search and select NOAA Libraries Local Holdings (NOAA Libraries Local Holdings)
- Library: Select library from dropdown. Do not select Available from the Internet.
- Inventory and Linking information:
- URL: URL of online resource
- If cataloging S3 bucket, follow the the standardized link format for files and directories:
- Directories:
- Files:
- For more information look at "S3 documentation" Google Doc (available only to NOAA Central catalogers).
- Notes:
- Public Note: Available to your [library]