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Alma / Primo Training Guide

Circulation Desk Workflows

As part of the fulfillment process, the Circulation Desk Operator/Manager selects a patron (see Selecting a Patron) and manages the patron’s services. These activities include:

  • Loans – The patron arrives at the circulation desk to receive the requested material which is currently on the active hold shelf.
  • Returns – The patron returns the loaned item. The barcode is scanned at the circulation desk.  The item is displayed in the Returns table.
  • In-House Use - In-house loans are recorded when an item is scanned but not checked out. 
  • Requests - NOAA is still in discussion about developing these workflows.

To manage patron services, such as circulate items), you must have one of the following roles:

  • Circulation Desk Manager (logged in to a circulation desk)
  • Circulation Desk Operator (logged in to a circulation desk)
  • Circulation Desk Operator - Limited (logged in to a circulation desk)

If you lack aware that you lack these roles or are unable to access the pages listed below, contact NOAA's Alma/Primo VE System Administrators (

Loaning Items

To loan a requested item:

  1. On the Manage Patron Services' Patron Identification (Fulfillment > Checkin/Checkout > Manage Patron Services) page, search for the patron who requesting an item.
    • If the patron doesn't exist, register the patron.
  2. On the Patron Services page, select the Loans tab. In the Scan item barcode field, scan in or manually type the barcode of the requested item. You may search for an item by typing its title or using the Find icon. The Repository Search page opens, displaying the search matches.
  3. Choose an item and select Select. The item's barcode is displayed in the Scan item barcode field. 
  4. Select OK. The item details are displayed in the Patron Services Loan tab.
  5. Before moving to the next patron, or next activity at the circulation desk, you must select Done button (top right corner of Patron Services menu) to end each patron session. You are returned to the Patron Identification page. 

To view patron's loans:

  1. On the Manage Patron Services Patron Identification (Fulfillment > Checkin/Checkout > Manage Patron Services) page, search for the patron who requesting an item
  2. From the Loan display drop-down list, select one of the following:
    • All - displays all items that have been loaned to the patron. When All Loans have been selected, an option exists to sort on the Library column.
    • This session - displays items that have been loaned during the current session. 

Working with loaned items:

  1. For the relevant loan, select from the following options in the ellipsis:
    • Delete Loan - Deletes item from the Loans tab.
      • The item's status changes to Missing (for lost loan) or In Place (for other loans). 
    • Change due date - The loaned item's due date can be changed at or after the loan time.  
    • View Notes - View notes on the loan
    • View policies - View policies that would take affect for the item if it were loaned to the patron. 
    • Loan history - View a history of the loan.
    • Renew - Renew an item
    • Lost - Specifies that an item is lost. Ensure that the value of the Loan Display drop-down list is All.
      • Select OK to add the details of the loan to both the Loan Status column of the Patron Services page
    • Claimed Return -  Claim an item as returned. When claiming an item as returned:
      • The loan’s status is changed to Claim Returned.
      • The item’s Process Type value is Claimed Returned, and the item remains requestable and is considered to still be on loan.
  2. Before moving to the next patron, or next activity at the circulation desk, you must select Done button (top right corner of Patron Services menu) to end each patron session. You are returned to the Patron Identification page. 



When an item is returned, you scan its barcode and return it to its proper location. Loaned items can be returned in the following ways:

  • Individually  - For items loaned to a single patron
  • Bulk -  For items loaned to more than one patron; used to streamline operator workflow and enhance productivity

To return an individual item:

  1. On the Manage Patron Services Patron Identification (Fulfillment > Checkin/Checkout > Manage Patron Services) page, search for the patron who is returning an item.
  2. On the Patron Services page, select the Returns tab.
  3. Scan or enter the barcode or search for the item being returned using the Select from a List Hamburger Icon.
  4. Select Done. You are returned to the Patron Identification page.

To return multiple items: 

  1. Open the Manage Return Items page (Fulfillment > Checkin/Checkout > Return Items). 
  2. Scan or enter the barcode or search for the item being returned using the Select from a List Hamburger Icon.
  3. Select OK. The item details are displayed on the Manage Item Returns page.

In-House Loans

In-house loans are recorded when an item is scanned but not checked out. Examples include:

  • Library staff scanning in items that have been found in the library that have not been checked out or on loan; 
  • Library staff scanning in items they may have been using for research but not have checked out.

To scan in in-house loans:

  1. On the Scan in Items (Fulfillment > Scan in Items ) page, check the Register-in house use radio button
  2. Enter or scan in the barcode of the item to register in-house use.
  3. Click on the OK button to the left of the Scan item barcode field.