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Library Seminars: Home

Upcoming Seminars

Please register using the unique registration link for each announcement. After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the webinar. Participants are automatically muted, but are encouraged to ask questions via the question panel or chat panel. A librarian will be hosting the webinar and monitoring the online chat. *Please note that all times will be in Eastern Standard Time.

Looking for Resource Trainings?

Digital Resource Training. Every Wednesday at 12 pm ET. Join us via google meet. Topics rotate weekly!

Curious about the Digital Resource Trainings on Wednesday? Find upcoming and recorded trainings on our Resource Trainings page!

Community-Based Ocean Exploration: the 2025 E/V Nautilus Field Season
How does the National Stock Assessment Program support NOAA Fisheries’ stock assessment community?
Why we give a flying fish about integrating satellite ocean color into EBFM
Results from a Marine Archaeological Investigation & Habitat Mapping of the Paleo-Suwannee River, on the Gulf Coast of Florida
Increasing the educational impacts through citizen science
Visualizing the Economies within Coastal Inundation Zones
Digital Resource Training every Wednesday at noon eastern time. topics rotate weekly

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The NOAA Library Seminar program provides an educational forum (hosting over 1,000 presentations since 1992) for the presentation of ideas, research updates and news in support of NOAA's mission: to understand and predict changes in climate, weather, oceans and coasts; to share that knowledge and information with others; and to conserve and manage coastal and marine ecosystems and resources. To contact the seminar coordinator please email