This directory provides detailed contact and other information about the locations that are part of the NOAA Library.
Click on the link in the map above to visit the home page for a particular location — or scroll through location information by state, below. Contact us at for more information.
Library: | La Jolla Laboratory Library |
Address: | NMFS/SW Fisheries Science Center 8901 La Jolla Shores Drive La Jolla, CA 92037 |
Telephone: | 858-546-7038 |
Fax: | 858-546-7003 |
Email: | |
Hours: | 8:30 a.m. - 5:00 p.m., Monday - Friday |
Personnel: | Debra A. Losey |
OCLC Symbol: | OAI |
Library Home Page: | |
Lab Home Page: | |
About the library: The collection includes journals, books, microfiche, and newspapers on fish and fisheries. The library specializes in fish biology, fisheries, primarily tuna and Pacific fisheries, marine mammals, marine biology and ecology, Antarctica, tuna-dolphin interactions, oceanography, and fishery management. The library provides reference service and interlibrary loans.
Library: | SWFSC Santa Cruz Library |
Address: | National Marine Fisheries Service SWFSC Fisheries Ecology Division 110 McAllister Way Santa Cruz, CA 95060 |
Telephone: | 831-420-3962 |
Email: | |
Hours: | 9:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m., Monday - Friday |
Personnel: | Kit Johnston, Librarian |
OCLC Symbol: | OAT |
Library Home Page: | |
Lab Home Page: | |
About the library: The collection focuses on the groundfish and salmonids of California's offshore and inland waters, covering fisheries, ecology, biology and habitat.
Library: | Department of Commerce Boulder Laboratories Library |
Address: |
Branch Library Main Library |
Email: | |
Hours: |
Main: M-F 9am-4pm Branch: M-TH 9am-12pm, or by appointment |
OCLC Symbol: | CON |
Lab Home Page: | |
About the library: The library supports research of the NOAA, NIST and NTIA Boulder Labs. The collection includes the following subject areas: atmospheric sciences, chemistry, physics, materials science, telecommunications, computer science, plasma and space physics, and mathematics. The technical report collection contains complete holdings for reports generated at the Boulder Laboratories since 1954.
Library: | NMFS/SE Fisheries Science Center Library |
Address: | 75 Virginia Beach Drive Miami, FL 33149-1099 |
Telephone: | 305-361-4229 |
Fax: | 305-361-4499 |
Email: | |
Hours: | 8:00 a.m. - 4:30 p.m., Monday - Friday |
Personnel: | LaGena Fantroy |
OCLC Symbol: | OAJ |
Ariel no.: | |
Lab Home Page: | |
About the library: The collection includes books, journals, and reprints on marine fisheries, marine biology, endangered species, fisheries stock assessments, ecology, and cooperative gamefish and billfish tagging programs.
Library: | NMFS Panama City Laboratory Library |
Address: | 3500 Delwood Beach Road Panama City, FL 32408 |
Telephone: | 850-234-6541 ext 227 |
Fax: | 850-235-3559 |
Email: | |
Hours: | 7:30 a.m. - 11:30 a.m., Monday - Friday |
Personnel: | LaGena Fantroy |
OCLC Symbol: | FD6 |
Lab Home Page: | |
About the library: The collection includes books, serials, reprints, a slide collection, and vertical files on fisheries. The library produces serials holdings list and a staff publications list, available online.
Library: | Pacific Islands Fisheries Science Center Library |
Address: | NOAA IRC NMFS/PIFSC/SOD/LIBRARY 1845 Wasp Blvd., Bldg. 176 Honolulu, HI 96818 |
Telephone: | 808-725-5307 |
Email: | kaitlen.mcpherson@noaa. |
Hours: | Library is open 6 a.m. - 6 p.m., Monday-Friday HST Librarian is available from 7 a.m. - 3:30 p.m, Monday-Friday HST |
Personnel: | Kaitlen McPherson |
OCLC Symbol: | OAF |
Lab Home Page: | |
Library Internal Page: | |
About the library: The collection includes books, journals, maps, and reprints, and approximately 800 translations related to the following topics of the Pacific region: marine fisheries, marine ecology, oceanography, marine mammals, marine turtles, and ichthyology.
Library: | Betty Petersen Memorial Library |
Address: | Room 1650, E / OC4 5830 University Research Court College Park, MD 20740 |
Telephone: | 301-683-1307 |
Fax: | 301-683-1308 |
Email: | |
Hours: | 8:30 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. Monday - Friday |
Personnel: | Jan Thomas |
OCLC Symbol: | OLS |
Lab Home Page: | |
About the library: The library contains a specialized meteorological and oceanographic collection of about 7,000 volumes. A small number of those volumes cover physics, mathematics, historical weather information, and computer support. In addition, the library has atlases, a collection of WMO publications, NOAA/NESDIS technical notes and technical reports, NWS/NCEP technical notes and reports, and weather or ocean related publications from other government organizations, from other countries, and from universities.
Library: | Oxford Marine Library |
Address: | Cooperative Oxford Laboratory NOAA/NOS/CCEHBR 904 South Morris Street Oxford, MD 21654-1323 |
Telephone: | 443-258-6080 |
Fax: | 410-226-5925 |
Hours: | 8:00 a.m. - 4:30 p.m., Monday - Friday |
Personnel: | Shawn McLaughlin, Karen Hayman |
Ariel no.: | |
Lab Home Page: | |
About the library: The Cooperative Oxford Laboratory Library is a part of the National Ocean Service's Center for Coastal Environmental Health and Biomolecular Research Charleston Laboratory. It is a highly specialized library established to assist laboratory biologists in their research on diseases of marine fish and shellfish. The library is in a facility shared by the National Ocean Service and the Maryland Department of Natural Resources. Much of the library collection is made up of current subscriptions to approximately 45 scientific journals in the fields of pathobiology, fisheries, habitat, nature conservation, and ecology. The library maintains a collection of reprints, newsletters, technical and information bulletins, maps, photographs, newspaper clippings and a dissertation and thesis collection.. The serial and monographic collections total over 13,500 volumes, and there are over 25,000 reprints in the reprint collection.
Library: | NOAA Central Library |
Address: | 1315 East-West Highway 2nd Floor, SSMC3 Silver Spring, MD 20910 |
Email: | |
Hours: | 8:30 a.m. - 5:00 p.m., Monday - Friday |
Personnel: | Benjamin Hope, Library Director, and staff |
OCLC Symbol: | OLA |
Ariel No.: | |
About the library: The collection contains books, historical and current journals, hard-copy technical reports, reports on microfiche and microfilm, and audio cassettes. The library also provides access to digital media in both tangible (CDs, DVDs, etc.) and intangible formats (Internet accessible). Because it is a central library for NOAA, a multi-faceted agency, the collection is also multi-faceted and contains works on meteorology, climatology, oceanography, marine chemistry, marine biology, marine fisheries, remote sensing, and ecology. The public may use the library and make copies, but may not remove the material from the library except on interlibrary loan basis.
Library: | Pascagoula Laboratory Library |
Address: | NMFS/SE Fisheries Science Center P.O. Drawer 1207 3209 Frederic Street Pascagoula, MS 39568-1207 |
Telephone: | 228-549-1617 |
Fax: | 228-769-9200 |
Email: | |
Hours: | 8:00 a.m. - 4:30 p.m., Monday - Friday |
Personnel: | LaGena Fantroy |
OCLC Symbol: | OAM |
Ariel No.: | |
Lab home page: | |
About the library: The library holds a specialized collection on National Seafood Safety, marine mammals, ichthyoplankton, fisheries, fishery gear (including TEDS and by-catch devices), as well as general marine biology and marine resources. The library is open to the public for reference only. The collection is non-circulating.
Library: | NOAA Geophysical Fluid Dynamics Laboratory Library |
Address: | Princeton University Forrestal Campus 201 Forrestal Road Princeton, NJ 08540-6649 |
Telephone: | 609-452-6550 609-452-5334 |
Fax: | 609-987-5063 |
Email: | |
Hours: | 8:30 a.m. - 4:00 p.m., Monday - Friday |
Personnel: | Rochelle Larose |
OCLC Symbol: | OAY |
Lab Home Page: | |
About the library: The collection includes works on oceanography, ocean-atmosphere interaction, computer science, applied mathematics, hydrology, physics, geophysics, fluid dynamics, meteorology, atmospheric chemistry, paleoclimatology, cloud physics, monsoon and mesoscale meteorology, hurricane dynamics, climatology, climate change, numerical weather prediction, geochemistry, marine biology, and applied mechanics.
Library: | National Centers for Environmental Information Library |
Address: | Federal Building 151 Patton Avenue Asheville, NC 28801-5001 |
Telephone: | 828-419-1278 |
Fax: | 828-271-4876 |
Email: | |
Hours: | 7:00 AM to 3:30 PM ET Monday through Friday |
Personnel: | Jacquelyn Crossman |
Lab Home Page: |
About the library: The NCEI Library does not have a physical collection, however, in the archive you can find books, journals, articles, CD-ROMs, maps, atlases, NCEI corporate historical materials, NCEI's publications, models, microforms, and videos related to climate data.
For climate data, please contact NCEI Customer Services, 828-271-4800, or visit the NCEI web page.
Library: | National Weather Center Library |
Address: | 120 David L. Boren Blvd., Suite 4300 Norman, OK 73072-7303 |
Telephone: | 405-325-1072 |
Email: | (general library email) |
Hours: | Monday through Thursday: 8:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. Friday: 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Saturday & Sunday: Closed. (Open Monday through Friday 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. during school breaks) |
OCLC Symbol: | OKNWC |
Lab Home Page: | |
About the library: The National Weather Center Library serves NOAA researchers and staff located in the National Weather Center, including the National Severe Storms Laboratory, Weather Forecast Office, Radar Operations Center, Storm Prediction Center and Warning Decision Training Branch. The Library also serves faculty, researchers, students and staff in the College of Atmospheric and Geographic Sciences at the University of Oklahoma, and its partners including the Oklahoma Climatological Survey, Center for Analysis and Prediction of Storms, Center for Spatial Analysis and Cooperative Institute for Mesoscale Meteorological Studies. The collection includes books, monographs, journals, online resources, climatological data, technical memoranda, slides, videos and microforms.
Library: |
Marine Resources Library supports NOAA/NOS/NCCOS Hollings Marine Laboratory |
Mailing Address: | c/o Marine Resources Library P.O. Box 12559 Charleston, SC 29422-2559 |
Street Address: | 217 Fort Johnson Road, Building 8 Charleston, SC 29412 |
Telephone: | 843-953-9370 (Geoffrey Timms, Librarian) |
Fax: | 843-953-9371 |
Email: | |
Hours: | 8:30 a.m. - 4:00 p.m., Monday-Friday |
Personnel: | Geoffrey Timms |
OCLC Symbol: | OAS |
Ariel No.: | (Charleston) |
Odyssey: | |
About the library: Having evolved into one library from three separate materials collections, the Marine Resources Library (MRL) both serves and is supported financially by the College of Charleston, the South Carolina Department of Natural Resources Marine Resources Division, and NOAA. The collection emphasizes marine biology, marine ecology, fisheries science, ichthyology, invertebrate zoology, toxicology, marine forensics, biotechnology, ecotoxicology, phycology, and biochemistry. NOAA NOS CCEHBR Charleston Laboratory/Hollings Marine Laboratory staff have 24/7 card access to the Marine Resources Library.
The Hollings Marine Laboratory (HML) conducts interdisciplinary research to resolve issues related to coastal ecosystems health and environmental quality, including public health impacts. Some of the high-priority items addressed include harmful algal blooms and their consequences, characterization of marine mammal health, land use impacts on coastal ecology, forensics and genetic applications to support marine wildlife laws, diagnosis and mitigation of fish, oyster, and shrimp diseases. HML is a NOAA-owned facility operated by the National Centers for Coastal Ocean Science as a fully collaborative enterprise, governed by the five partner organizations through a Joint Project Agreement. HML partners consist of the College of Charleston, Medical University of South Carolina, National Institute of Standards and Technology, and the South Carolina Department of Natural Resources. Scientists from all partner institutions work side-by-side in the laboratory, taking advantage of each other's special expertise.
Library: | NOAA Seattle Regional Library |
Address: | E/OC43, Building 3 7600 Sand Point Way NE Seattle, WA 98115 |
Telephone: | 206-526-6241 |
Fax: | 206-526-4535 |
Email: | |
Hours: | 8:00 a.m. - 4:30 p.m., Monday - Friday |
Personnel: | Brian Voss |
OCLC Symbol: | OAE |
Lab Home Page: | |
About the library: The library supports research in the areas of meteorology, physical and chemical oceanography, geochemistry, atmospheric physics, ocean engineering, mathematics, statistics, and computer science. Special collections in the library include the Rudolph Preisendorfer Memorial Collection, an 800-volume library of classic works in mathematics and statistics; holdings on Puget Sound; a complete collection of monographs from the National Science Foundation Israel Program for Scientific Translations; and nautical, hydrographic, and topographic charts and maps.
Library: | National Marine Mammal Laboratory Library |
Address: | NMFS Alaska Fisheries Science Center 7600 Sand Point Way NE, Building 4 Seattle, WA 98115-6349 |
Telephone: | 206-526-4013 |
Fax: | 206-526-6615 |
Email: | |
Hours: | 7:30 a.m. - 4:00 p.m., Monday-Friday |
Personnel: | Brian Voss |
OCLC Symbol: | M@M |
Lab Home Page: | |
About the library: The library has a unique collection of marine mammal literature. The collection includes over 15,000 volumes of books, journals, and theses, as well as an extensive reprint file. Subject coverage includes biology, zoology, diseases, conservation, fisheries, ecosystem management, population dynamics, ecological modeling, statistics, whaling, sealing and international and domestic legislation and treaties that impact marine mammals. The NMML Library also contains archives of northern fur seal research, International Whaling Commission documents, and International North Pacific Fisheries Commission documents.