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Ebooks for Everyone

NOAA library provides staff with access to thousands of eBooks across a wide range of disciplines via NOAA Single Sign-On. Use the library catalog below to search for individual titles. You may fill out the Suggest A Title form for new book recommendations.


Browse below three major eBook platforms provided by the NOAA Library, each covering specialized subjects, and learn more about how to use each platform.

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OverDrive/Libby gives access NOAA-wide to over 75,000+ ebooks and audiobooks on topics like leadership and management.

  • Read in the browser, or on the go from the Libby app (download from your app store)
  • 130 magazines, including the New Yorker, New Scientist, the Week Magazine, National Geographic Magazine, Newsweek, etc

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ProQuest's Ebook Central provides access to 25,000+ eBooks with hundreds of publishers (excluding Wiley) in all NOAA mission topics like oceanography, risk management, fisheries, etc. 

  • Checkout required for full book access (maximum 7 days)
  • View/annotate books online - personal bookshelf available

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Wiley Online Library provides access to 22,000+ eBooks and is a one-stop shop for both ebooks and journals published by Wiley. Topics cover all NOAA mission areas

  • Download full book or chapters in PDF 
  • No additional software required
  • Full books are DRM-free (keep the PDFs)