NOAA library provides staff with access to thousands of eBooks across a wide range of disciplines via NOAA Single Sign-On. Use the library catalog below to search for individual titles. You may fill out the Suggest A Title form for new book recommendations.
Browse below three major eBook platforms provided by the NOAA Library, each covering specialized subjects, and learn more about how to use each platform.
OverDrive/Libby gives access NOAA-wide to over 75,000+ ebooks and audiobooks on topics like leadership and management.
ProQuest's Ebook Central provides access to 25,000+ eBooks with hundreds of publishers (excluding Wiley) in all NOAA mission topics like oceanography, risk management, fisheries, etc.
Wiley Online Library provides access to 22,000+ eBooks and is a one-stop shop for both ebooks and journals published by Wiley. Topics cover all NOAA mission areas.