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NOAA Ocean Exploration: Home

NOAA Ocean Exploration

NOAA Ocean Exploration is the only federal agency dedicated to exploring the global ocean. NOAA Ocean Exploration works with partners to identify priority areas for exploration, support innovations in exploration tools and capabilities, and encourage the next generation of ocean explorers, scientists, and engineers to pursue careers in ocean exploration and related fields. The data and information collected during our expeditions and the research we fund gives resource managers, the academic community, and the private sector the information they need to identify, understand, and manage ocean resources for this and future generations.

Since 2001, NOAA Ocean Exploration has funded numerous expeditions and makes data collected during these expeditions publicly available via NOAA's National Centers for Environmental Information and the NOAA Ocean Exploration Data Atlas.


The NOAA ship Okeanos Explorer as seen from a dock, with the night sky in the background.

How To Use This Guide

  • Articles can be found either in the A-Z author list or with their related expedition.
  • Expeditions are organized by year and by campaign (e.g. CAPSTONE). Some expeditions do not yet have articles associated with them but there may be other publications which can be found by clicking "Find Related Publications" in the NOAA IR.

Impact of NOAA Ocean Exploration

The data gathered on these expeditions has resulted in the publication of over 800 peer-reviewed journal articles, reviews, and notes. To provide access to these publications and to highlight the research resulting from the NOAA Ocean Exploration program, the NOAA Central Library have developed this bibliography. A citation analysis of these publications is produced quarterly and the most recent edition is available as a PDF. If you would like to make any comments, suggestions, or corrections to this bibliography or obtain previous editions of the quarterly report, please contact the bibliometrics team at

Citation Reports from previous years are available at the following links:

2024: January, April, July

2023: January, April, July, October

2022: January, April, JulyOctober

2021: January, April, July, October

2020: January, April, July, October