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Section 508 Compliance: Section 508 Library Seminars

A selection of resources and information on Section 508 Compliance.

Explore Section 508 content created by the NOAA Library

General Section 508 Information


Section 508 Compliance Training: This presentation provides a high-level overview of the law and the Revised 508 standards, as well as best practices and examples to prepare agencies for implementation of Section 508.  Presenter: Tim Creagan (U.S. Access Board)

Hands-on Section 508 Workshop - Alt Text Best Practices: This webinar focuses on best practices for applying alt text to a variety of different types of figures, charts, and images.

Hands-on Section 508 Workshop - MS Word Documents: This tutorial provides an introduction to creating and editing MS Word documents for accessibility. 


Section 508 Resources for NOAA IR Submissions


NOAA Institutional Repository Seminar--Section 508 Compliance:  This seminar covers basics about submitting to the NOAA IR including Section 508 requirements for documents and how the library checks accessibility.  Presenters:  Jennifer Fagan-Fry (NOAA Central Library) & Sarah Davis (NOAA Central Library)


Hands-on Section 508 Workshop - Basic PDF Editing: This tutorial provides an introduction to basic PDF editing for accessibility including how to fix common errors such as adding bookmarks, element tags, document properties, alternative text, and fixing tab and reading order.  


Hands-on Section 508 Workshop - Document Properties, Alt Text, and Table Basics: This webinar focuses on adding document properties, alt text, and basic table editing in Adobe. 


Hands-on Section 508 Workshop - Reading Order & Tags Panel: This webinar focuses on determining the reading order of a tagged document and making edits using the Tags panel. . 


Library AMA: Section 508: This webinar focuses on how the Library checks 508 compliance for NOAA IR Submissions and answers user submitted questions.