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Online Access

Single Sign On

Single Sign On

Access to online journals, databases, and ebooks is provided through Single Sign-On (SS) via OpenAthens. Learn more about SSO on our SSO guide.

How do I report access issues?

Access Issues

If you are having any issues accessing our electronic resources (journal articles, databases, ebooks), we want to work with you to restore access. The best way to request assistance is to fill out the Report Access Issue form.

Accessing Journals and Databases

Journal Finder and Database List

Wondering if you have access to your favorite journal? Our Journal Finder will let you know. The listing for each journal lists the date range in our holdings and the database where you can find it. See also our comprehensive list of A-Z Databases

Some of our databases allow access via login, so that articles may be viewed and downloaded when not on the NOAA network. For questions on account how to create a login, contact



NOAA library provides staff with access to thousands of eBooks across a wide range of disciplines via NOAA Single SIgn On. Our ebook packages include OverDrive, ProQuest Ebook Central, and Wiley Ebooks. More information can be found here.

Library Catalog

Primo, Library Catalog

Our catalog, Primo, provides simple, one-stop searching for books and e-books, videos, articles, digital media, and includes the following resources:

  • Electronic subscriptions such as journal articles, databases, and ebooks;
  • NOAA publications and NOAA funded articles;
  • Historic NOAA predecessor materials.

Interlibrary Loan (ILL)


Inter Library Loan

If you are NOAA staff or a contractor on the Silver Spring campus, the NOAA Library will handle your interlibrary loan (ILL) requests. If you are NOAA staff or contractor outside of Silver Spring, you can get ILL through your local NOAA library. If you aren't served by another library, the NOAA Library will do ILL for you.

Submitting Requests

You can submit ILL requests in one of two ways: email or fill out our online form.

We ask that your request include the most complete citation information you can find for the item wanted, plus your name, contact information, and NOAA line office. If you need the item by a certain date, please include that as well.

More information on ILL at NOAA

NOAA Institutional Repository (IR)

NOAA Institutional Repository logo

Find and Use NOAA Research

The NOAA Institutional Repository is a digital library of scientific literature and research produced by the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration. The repository contains NOAA publications, as defined in the NOAA Publications Policy, dating from NOAA’s formation in 1970 to present and NOAA-authored and -funded journal articles from 2015 forward.

Additionally, we have office hours every Tuesday from 2-3:30pm Eastern on Google Meet. Join us: 

NOAA IR, Publishing & Section 508 "Office Hours"
Every Tuesday · 2:00 – 3:30pm
Google Meet joining info
Video call link:
Or dial: ‪(US) +1 646-883-9716‬ PIN: ‪832 333 185‬#
More phone numbers:



Looking for training on a particular database, software or tool? The Library offers one-on-one sessions on EndNote, all supported databases, research formulation, and more! Check out our training guide

Library Seminars

Library Seminars

NOAA Library regularly holds seminars that NOAA staff can attend online. For more information, including a current calendar of upcoming events as well as links for registration visit the seminars page.

E&E News

E & E News Daily Alerts

If you'd like to receive daily email alerts from E&E News, you will need to create an account.

Here are the steps:

  • Navigate to:
  • Scroll down to fill out their form 
  • Use the “How can we help you?” dropdown to select ‘Join My Organization's Account’
  • Complete the required fields and submit
  • Look for an email confirming your account creation
  • Once logged in, adjust your account settings and select the emails you would like sent to your inbox.

Questions or Comments?

Ask a librarian graphic

Questions & Comments

We love to hear from you. For any non-access issue questions and comments, please email us at