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New Employees - Information and Resources: Info & Resources

Information, resources, links, etc, for new NOAA employees.


1) Which library serves you?

The NOAA Library is one of 17 libraries in the NOAA library network. To find out which library serves you, refer to the following decision tree:


The NL primarily serves NOAA staff and contractors in the Silver Spring campus, or those not served by another library in the NOAA network (see decision tree above to find your library).

For an orientation to the NOAA Library email:

2) How do you access the NOAA Library?

Do you need a library card? No! If you are a NOAA employee or contractor we can set you up with any resources you need simply using your NOAA email. To access most e-resources you must use Single Sign-On (SSO).

If you don't have access issues, let us know at!


3) What resources does the NOAA Library have?

Our multi-faceted collection contains works on meteorology, climatology, oceanography, marine chemistry, marine biology, marine fisheries, remote sensing, and ecology. 


  • Web of Science

    • A curated collection of over 21,000 peer-reviewed, high-quality scholarly journals published worldwide (including Open Access journals) in over 250 science, social sciences, and humanities disciplines.

  • Earth, Atmospheric & Aquatic Science Collection

    • An abstracting database including specialized, editorially-curated A&I resources studying the critical issues affecting Earth’s air, land, and water environments.

  • E&E News

    • A subscription-based news platform that reports on essential energy and environment issues in five daily publications, delivered to your inbox if you want!

  • BioOne Complete

    • A database of more than 200 subscribed and open-access titles in the biological, ecological, and environmental sciences.


    • That same JSTOR from undergrad! Full runs of more than 2,600 top scholarly journals in the humanities, social sciences, and sciences.

  • ScienceDirect

    • A database of peer-reviewed journal articles and book chapters (including open access content) published by Elsevier. 

  • Lexis

    • Access through a Department of Commerce’s OpenAthens login, you have access to legal resources within Lexis including: CourtLink, Nexis Diligence, Nexis Dossier, and Nexis.

  • Westlaw

    • An online legal research service containing case law, state and federal statutes, court documents, administrative codes, newspaper and magazine articles, and other information resources. 

  • More links to open access databases relevant to NOAA are listed on our Database page.


We have access to over 10K+ journals! This includes access to over 2,000 titles from the Elsevier Freedom Collection. Titles cover all areas of NOAA’s mission, e.g.  global climate change, coastal zone management, fisheries, meteorology, ocean/ atmospheric interactions, and remote sensing. Find them using our catalog.


We provide access to over 50K+ ebooks through three platforms listed below.

  • Wiley Online Library 

    • A one-stop shop for both ebooks and journals published by Wiley. 

  • ProQuest Ebook Central

    • Curated collections based on research topics, select publishers, and title cost. 

  • OverDrive

    • Ebooks & audiobooks in the areas of leadership, management, and life skills.


The Library also has a physical collection on the Silver Spring campus. Material can be browsed through our catalog (searches all Network libraries).

4) What else can the NOAA Library do to support you?

Research Services
Our research team provides NOAA programs with expert research support. Our services save you time and add value to your project by conducting thorough literature searches to support your work, whether it be for scientific research or making policy decisions.
BONUS: We’ll teach you how to use EndNote!

Interlibrary Loans (ILL)
Looking for a book or full-text articles? If we don't have it, we can get it! Request journal articles, book chapters, and more. Email us: 

Library Seminars
Our Seminars program provides an educational forum (hosting over 1,000 presentations since 1992) for the presentation of ideas, research updates and news in support of NOAA's mission. Miss a seminar? Check out the recording on our YouTube channel. Have an idea for a seminar? Email us:

Bibliometric Services
Bibliometrics are the quantitative analysis of academic publications (NOAA publications too!) Contact us to assist you with bibliometric and citation analysis services such as individual researcher impact reports, publication and citation analyses, and training and guidance on bibliometric tools and resources.

For a quick review on how to access our services, check out the "Library Services Under 5 Minutes" videos on the our YouTube channel.


5) What is the NOAA Institutional Repository?

NOAA's Institutional Repository is a digital library of scientific literature and research produced by NOAA. Free, accessible, Google-indexed, and full-text searchable, this repository fulfills NOAA’s Plan for Increasing Public Access to Research Results (PARR Plan). All NOAA authors and grantees are required to submit their publications to the IR, where the library can help! You can submit journal articles and NOAA publications, request DOIs, and request Section 508 remediation for your journal article manuscript through our Repository team at:
